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Daily Archives: August 2, 2016

Wild Blackberry Pie

I think I’m ready to quit my life and start fresh as a farmer! Well, almost. But this experience was so zen and wonderful!

Travels have kept me away from the kitchen recently (sorry, but no apologies for that!), but I had to see what I could make when visiting Seattle. Apparently, blackberries are weeds, effectively, there. I first saw them when we were driving to a national park- they were everywhere!

Decision made. 

I bought a perfect little pie tin at the Pike Place Market for my adventure. Then I set to picking berries, listening to a small creek behind me and smiling at the birds in my baking Cinderella moment. 

Overlooking Mt. Rainier – not quite the blackberry-picking view (unfortunately) – from a hike!

Naturally, half of the blackberries went straight into my mouth. They were so perfect and tart, so I knew that a plain Jane butter crust would not be the perfect partner. A sweeter platform for a low-sugar filling would be perfect. 

Quick question to address:

Why don’t these cookies have normal cookie ingredients?

Think of it more as a shortbread. Cookies are meant to rise, and that does not make for good pie crust. Trust me on this one!

This cookie crusty is the perfect base for all-natural, tart berries. Another quintessential summer treat!

Please Note: Unfortunately, my uncle’s kitchen has awful lighting. As such, I have not done the usual step-by-step with pictures before the recipe. I do have the pictures, though, so if you need more information or want to see what a step looks like, just ask! Thanks!

Wild Blackberry Pie

Prep Time: 20 minutes

Cook Time: 18 minutes

Total Time: 38 minutes

Yield: 1 full size pie

Wild Blackberry Pie

This cookie crusty is the perfect base for all-natural, tart berries. Another quintessential summer treat!


  • Note: this recipe has been scaled up from what you see in the picture so that it will make a full pie
    Lemon Basil Cookie Crust
  • 1 cup butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 9 basil leaves, chopped
  • 3 Tbsp heavy cream
    Blackberry Pie Filling
  • 4 cups blackberries
  • 2 Tbsp sugar (add more of you like it sweet!)
  • Juice of 1/2 lemon
  • 3 Tbsp cornstarch mixed into 1 tsp water
  • 1 Tbsp butter


    Make the Crust
  1. Prep Step! Measure out all of your ingredients. Wash the blackberries now, so that they can drip- dry while you make the crust. Preheat your oven to 375
  2. Cream the butter on medium speed for 2 minutes until it is aerated. Add your sugar and beat on high for 5 minutes until it is light and fluffy.
  3. Add 1 cup of flour and incorporate on low speed, or with a spatula. Add 1 Tbsp of the cream, and do the same. Repeat your process, scraping down the bowl, until the batter is ready.
  4. Mix in the zest and basil. It's ready! Wrap the dough with plastic wrap and chill for an hour. If you're impatient, like me, freeze it for 15 minutes.
  5. Press the cookie crust with your fingers into your pie plate. Pinch around the edges so that they don't look messy.
  6. Cover the edges with aluminum foil (so that they don't brown too much) and stick it in the over for 15-20 minutes. Check it to make sure you're not getting it too brown (like I did. Oops.)
  7. Once done, let the crust cool completely. Bonus points for cooling it on the windowsill like in children's books.
    Make the Filling
  1. Heat the blackberries over medium heat. Once they get warm and start to steam a little, start stirring. Sprinkle the sugar over the berries, and mix it in. Juice the lemon into the pan and cook, cook, cook.
  2. Once they are all juicy-looking, add the cornstarch. Follow this tip:
  3. Mix the cornstarch with one teaspoon of water before adding it. This will keep is from clumping and yielding nasty-tasting, starchy glops in your final pie.
  4. Remove the filling from the heat and stir in the butter. Let the filling cool.
    Serve it up
  1. Pour the filling into the pie crust. You can dig right in, or chill for 30 minutes to let the filling stiffen and get thicker.
  2. I whipped some very legit cream with just a little lemon zest to serve.
  3. Best enjoyed overlooking the beauty of the Pacific Northwest!
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